Lemon Villa Lot 28 Card 2
LEMON VILLA LOT 28 CARD 2.tif I.Of 28 Por. Lot 28, Perm.it to Mar- Sei Prop. Corp. owner, II Hayden 1'ransfer & Storage Inc. lenee to uae exist bldg in R-1 zone in connec with furniture storage business in C zone at 5467 Univ Ave., corul '1. Cas~l57 12-2-58----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Per.- C.W. McGrath Const. Co., Inc. DD'IED 1 yr ext to Casefl947 & given 60 days to remove contr equip. storage J repair yd; but APPROVED exist bldg in R-1 zone for ott., tor 6 mo. to exp. 2-5-60. Case,#1947 8-5-59-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------APPEAL Cond #8 & overruled Z.A. as to time limit & exterul to 12-31-59, otner coru!. remain in tuJ force. 9-9-59 APPEAL on 1-13-60 granted ext. to 3-30-6o 3-20-60 to 7-1-60 case#l947-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Permit to Joseph & Dora Richlin, OWD; Theodore Bachison, les; Wm. A, Feldstein & Victor Weiss- man, DBA Haru!yman' s Home Owners Builders Supply, subles. to use exist bldgs. & prop for retail builders supply witn no outside storage, (legal descript. on file) at 5485 Univ Ave. betw 54tn & Chollas Parkway, zones C & R-1. Case#lt-297 8-17-61