Lemon Villa Tract Lot 19 Card 2
LEMON VILLA TRACT LOT 19 CARD 2.tif ff CARD#3 Por. of Bernis W. Wall DENIED request to remodel & use exist 40' x 62' bldg for machine shop lllf'g. l for assembling photo equip., on Chollas Rd. E. of 54th at rear of 5599 Univ Ave. R-1 zone & given 90 days to clean up prop. (granted under Res.#6271). Hearings on 4-8, 22 & 5-6 1957. Case#lllO 3-20-59---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- W. 50' of E. 150' of Lor 29- Permit to Wm C. & Anna Hubricl:t to add den & batl:t to exist res (2 units on par per. by Res,#5290) 5592 Univ Ave. R-1 & c. Case#:21'62 4-24-59------ ~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUeflllO- Bernis w. Wall Appeal to Bd. of Zon. Appeals & Zon. Adm, decision affirmed, except 90 day limit be er.tended to max of l yr. or until City takes possession of said prop. 5-15-59 Por.- Permit to Wm & Rutb Odom, owners & David B. McMaban, lessee, to const 20,480 sq ft comm'l bldg proJ into CP zone, zone C & R-1, amended application to allow O' side yd on Ely aide (1'EftA'fiVE Lot l, Cbollaa Center- zone C & CP), S. aide of U&iv Ave. betv 54tb St. & Cbollaa Rd., cond'L Caaef5842 8-1-63 L~ 29- Request of Deckorary & Eleanor L, Wilson to const IIJIXIIQIXBll 8 unit apt bldg making a total of 13 living unite on tbe Illy 85.47 at 55o6 univ Ave, Zones C & R-1. R caa9'156 12-20-57----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Par. A Ely 100' ot Lot 29 vacant lying lily of Uni Ave.- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Max Ifeiman & Mr, & Mrs. Adolpb Reiman to adjust lot lines betv par A & par B per:,lat map on file in the ZOning Div. of tile Planning Dept. on par A Ely 100' of Lot 29 Lemon Villa, vacant lying Bly of univ Ave, & par B Lot 2, Waterville Hts. Resub.#l at 5602 Univ Ave, betv 54tb & 58tb Sta. zones C & R-1, where retail comm'l uses are perm. in C zone & sin fam dwell on lot or par of f.DNT, l2Pt./2D-:if; I-}