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Lemon Villa Tract Lot 29 Card 2

LEMON VILLA TRACT LOT 29 CARD 2.tif LO'!' 29 9CAP.D112 W. 100' of E. 250'- Permit to D.J. Spinali & D, Strazzulla DEl'fIED1 to erect wholesale I cleaning plant max 28 empl., 2 steam boilers, Nly- of Univ, E. of 54th. Res.#6#52 5-14-52 W. 100' of E. 250'- Permit to D.J. Spinali & D. Strazzulla to bld store bldg & apts, apts to extend into the R-1 Zone 70' N. side Univ E. of 54th, cond'l. Res,#6695 8-6-52 W. 100' of E. 250'- Res. of Prop. Use to D.J. Spinali & D. Strazzulla on prop ABOVE. V'------------------------------------------------~~~-,~~:~~~----~=~=::_______ W. 100' of E. 250'- Appeal to c.c. from z.c. on Res.#6695, was DEl'fIED & permission granted to D,J, Spinali & D. Strazzulla to bld store bldg & bachelor apts, apt to extend into R-1 zone 80 1 on N. side Univ Ave., on cond 20' easement along Univ Ave. be dedicated to City for future widening of Uinv Ave. c.c. Res.#108g4o 9-2-52 W. 175'- Permit {cond'l) to Wm P'. & Ruth C. Odom to oper contr business & storage yd, S. of Univ Ave., at 5515 Univ Ave. Res.#8093 3-31-54---~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wly-100' of Ely- 250'- Permit to D. Spinali & D. Strazzulla to const & oper wholesale cleaning ~:~:_:~-~~:::_::_::~::_~:~:=~~-~:-~:_:::=-~~=~-~~=:-~=~~~:~-~~)::~=:~----- W. 175'- Permit to Wm P. Odom, owner & Harry B, Moddy, lessee, to oper business for displayir14 & selling of home improve. mat'ls, some storage on S. s&de of Univ Ave., 750' E, of 54th St., cond'l. Res.#8769 3-2-55----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------