Lemona Villa Lot 1
LEMONA VILLA LOT 1.tif '-".!",~-~ i,.-, ~-,.-~..,,.. LEMON VI LL.A LOT 1 Sly 150' (except the wly 88.5' of the sly 80') east of 54th St. cond'I permit to A.D. & Georgia F. Moore to erect & opera 12 unit Auto Court, NW cor of El Cajon & Berting St. Res.#816 1-3-45 Por. of Lot I- Permit to L.K. Uhlemann to const & oper 5 addn units to an exist 12 unit motel, E side of 54th St., 80 1 N. of El Cajon Blvd. Res.#2945 3-10-48 lv Por. Lot I- Permi't to Conrad J. & Amanda Sanden to const sign with 3' SB to centerline of post, to project a max. of 3' over public prop subj. to agreement that sign be removed at owner's expanse for st. widening; at 5420 El Cajon Blvd., C zone {DENIED I' SB) Case#260J 6-26-59 Por. Lot I- AGREEMENT#l046 to Conrad J, & Amanda B. Sanden to const sign with 3' SB to center! ine of post; sign to project over public prop. Case#2601 7-16-59 Por- Permit to Standard 011 Company of California to operate a gasoline service station with car wash and accessory sales, located on tne north side of El CaJon Blvd, betw 54th & Berting Streets. Zone C. 369-PC 12-3-73--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------