Lemona Villa Tract Lot 4
LEMONA VILLA TRACT LOT 4.tif,.. r,,,, ~ ~,.,,,,,.,,.,.,.,. LEMON VILLA TAACT E. 46.6' of N. 125' of Lot 4- Cond'l the south side of El Cajon Blvd., 50' LOT 4 .~ permit to Russell H. Segel to const a 4 unit E. of Dawson St. with 5' access court. Res.#2085 2-27-47 Lot 4 (por) Ext. of 6 mo. on Res.#143, dated July 16, 1942 Russell Segel. Res.#2122 3-14-47 (t(court on Por. Lot 4- Cond'l permit to Russell Segel to oper 22 unit trailer camp at 5225 El Cajon Blvd. for duration of war. Res.#143 7-16-42 Por. Lot 4- Permit to Russell Segel, owner & Bernard W. Reinbach, lessee, to conduct sales of top soil, brick. leaf mold, fertilizer, etc. & excavation service, on 5219 El Cajon Blvd. (cond 1) Res.#7083 1- 7-53 E 46.6 1 of N 125'- Russell H. Segel to const 4 unit court & main 5' access ct, & have applied for a variance to the yd ordinance, app #4516, dated 2-5-47 AGREE# 453 2-10-47--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------