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Development Services

Lexington Park # 11

LEXINGTON PARK # 11.tif BLOCK 11 l'V" Lots 17 & 18- Permit to Edmon Denton to oper weid1ng sl'lop extirely vitnin bldg & to const 40 1 x 50' bldg in addn to exist bldg, 4111 Poplar St. prov new bldg in const vitnin 6 mo. Res.#2391 7-16-47 Lota 31 & 32, Permit to Ewald R, Wetzel to maintain 4' b.ign fence & gate & arcl'lvay, on cond tnat arctxvay be cut down to b.eigb.t of fence v1tb.1n 30 days (3' b.igb. fence perm. in SB area) 4198 Pepper Dr., zone R-2. caae/-2309 2-13-59-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------