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Development Services

Lexington Park # 2

LEXINGTON PARK # 2.tif ~...., .,.. '",,.,,-~ LEXlllG!OI P.AMC BL0CX 2-!rbat oper by O. C. Durb 1n of 3015 St,, Lots T & 8, be pl!lrm to oper custom ab.op for tb.e const of cabinets in Zone C & tbat sucb. use would not be more objectionale nor detrimental nor injurious than other usesc in this district, provided tllat the work be limited to const of individual items, that the shop be oper from 8 A.M. to 6 P.M., that equipment does not exceed 5 H.P., & all material is kept within tile building. Res.#91018 9-21-48 'ftlat oper by G.C. Durbin 3015 Heather St., Lots 7 & 8, be perm tj oper custom &aop for const of cabinets in Zone C & tnat aucb. use would not be more odjectionable nor detrimental nor injuriou1 than other uses in this district, provided work be limited to const of individual ite11111, tnat ab.op be oper from 8 A.M. to 6 P.M., equipment does not exceed 10 H.P. all material is kept in the ab.op. Res.#93590 Amended 5-3-49, Former Res.#91018 9-21-48----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tot 1- Permit to Mildred c. Rosenheim Rogers to constr 10' x 13' bedroom addn to exist seco~d sin fam dwell; addn to obs 10' rear yard wnere 15' is req; at 4321 Manzanita Drive betw Heatner St and Glenfield St. Zone R-2. Cond'l. c-11580 11-1-72-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------