Lincoln Park Block 13
LINCOLN PARK BLOCK 13.tif BLOCK 13 Lota 43 & 44- Permit to Antb.ony Rossi to alter exist gar at 2482 Imperial Ave., into liv quarters witb. a 2' side yd. Res. 285 8-26-43 Lots 7 & 8- Permit to Karl Miller to alter a porcb. to a kitchen, witb. aa 18" sideyd at 2467 L St. Res. 1531 5-9-46 Lots 9 & 10- Permit to Jobn & Tui Beerle to const an add to a res wb.icb. has 21" sideyd add to nave req sideyd at 2459 L St. Res. 3570 12-1-48 Lot 24 & W2' of Lot 23 exc 877'- Permit to Mrs. Natalia Sponge to main.t carport under const being added to an. exist shed, entire bldg to b.ave approx 2' side yd on E & O' side yd on s, witb. 75~ coverage of lot, at 2405 L St., condl Res.8205 5-26-54----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Lots 25 & 26 N. 31.18 ft.- Permit to Jeffrey S. Olson, Owner, James Jr. & Rose McNeil, Purchaser, at 123 24th St., Zone M-1, to remodel dwelling and convert exist gar to bedrm; dwell to obs 0 1 Int sldeyd on N . and 11 rear yd, resulting in 69% coverage. Condit. c-15879 5/3/79