Linda Vista #1 Block 47 Card 1
LINDA VISTA #1 BLOCK 47 CARD 1.tif .,.,,_.---_,,T--;-"''~Y-r ,.:.... '... LlBDA VISTA UNIT #1 BLOCK 47 ' Card /11 f Por Lot 11- Permit to Crown Invest. Co., Henry B, Cramer, pres., to use as a turn-around area in connec with comm bldgs on adj lot, at 6900 Linda Vista Rd. Res, 9199 9-28-55 Lot 9- Z.A. has considered the request of Prairie Avenue Gospel Center, Inc. (as amended) to (1) constr a 17' x 9', double-faced, interior illuminated ID sign, overall nt 19', obs O' front yd on Linda Vista Road where 15' is req and face area of sign not to exceed 25 sq. ft. and max heignt perm is 12'; (2) maintain two light poles obs 5' front yd on Linda 1 Vista Rd where 15' is req, at 6970 Linda Vista Rd betw Ulric St and Fulton St. Zone R-4 and has DENIED (1) and APPROVED (2) subject to conditions. c-11208 5-19-72 Lot 13- ZA APPROVED request of BALMAC, INC, to continue the use of a development & investment office in an existing nonconforming commercial bldg originally used by Pacific Telephone Co, at 2435 Ulric St., Zone R-1000, subj. to cond, C-18592 10/12/84 Lot 10- PLANNING COMMISSION GRANTED a Conditional Use Permit sought by the Indochinese Mutual Assistance Association of San Diego to operate a 4,137 sq. ft., walk-in Senior Center on a 9,680 sq. ft. lot owned by the City of San Diego, located on the west side of Linda Vista Road between Ulric and Eulton Streets, R-1000 zone. CUP #88-0401 12-1-88