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Development Services

Linda Vista #2 Block 85

LINDA VISTA #2 BLOCK 85.tif.~-~ ~~-.,.~~-- ~.c-,-,_ C. < LDiDA VISTA #2 BLOCI. 85 Lots 4 &. 5- Permit to Socon;r Mobil Oil Co., Inc. to erect three floodlighted price signs total 108 sq. ft., one sign attached to each side ot exist pylon supporting sign ~viously perm by C-308 & C-309 a.s amended; addn signs to obs SB, at 6675 Linda Vista Rd., SE comer Glidden St., Zone RC., condl., " Case Ho. 6857 12-18-64--------------------------------~------------------------------,/ Lot 3 & por Lot 2- Permit to 4-Day Tire Stores to opera retail & wholesale tire store, proposed to be located in the C & RC zones at 6645 Linda Vista Rd., X CLASSIFICATION OF USE Res. 201350 12-1-70---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 3, por 2- Permit to Eugene A, & Angeline M, Lafrenie];'e, owners, and Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Western Operations, Inc., lessee to cdns_:truct & operate a gasoline service station with incidental services, no auto repair, and to erect light standards & signs on roof of the pump canopy in the R-C portion- Zones R-C & C, Cond'l. C-1525 "- 11-26-57 Lot 3 & por 2- Permit to Eugene A. & Angeline M, Lafreniere, owners, and Standard Oil Co, of Calif, Western Operations, Inc, lessee, to erect light standards and roof sign on roof of pump canopy in the setback area, in connection with a service station (permitted by C-1525), at 1575 Linda Vista Road, Zones C & R-C. C-1526 11-26-57 Lot 2- Classification of Use No. 282- Permit to Alaric Carlson to classify the fiber- glass repair of boats within an enclosed building located on the SE side of Linda Vista Rd south of Glidden St. Zone C, PC-Res #181 1-i7-7]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------