Linda Vista #3 Block 68 Card 1
LINDA VISTA #3 BLOCK 68 CARD 1.tif.. ' ' ' ~. /) 0 / BLOCK 6e Card #1 '" Lot 93- Permit to Public Hsg Admin to maint exist duplex with 2'5" side yd at 6915-17 Tait St., Zone R-2. Res. 8785 3-2-55---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 73- Permit to Bernard & Ethel Beasty to erect chain link fence 4' in ht, at SE cor Phillips Ct., in the SB area. C-237 6-29-55 Lot 93- Permit to Theodore A. Greene to const new fr porch & extend exist fr por on duplex which is non-conf with 2,5' side yd at 6915 Tait St., Zone R-2. C-532 6-18-56 Lot 28- Permit to Vernon & Evadene Adams to const addn to exist sin fam res, addn to obs 17' rear yd (20' req) at 6912 Otis Ct, W of Coolidge St., Zone R-1, condl C-3868 NH 2-6-61 Lot 37- Z,A. considered appl of Forrest M, & Janet M. Jordan to alter interior of exist sin fam res, converting living rm to bedrm & converting a bedrm to enlarge kitchen & new liv rm; &o living rm, bedrm & 2 bath rooms; addn to obs 11' rear yd where 20' is req at 6922 Morse Ct,, Zone R-1 & has DENIED 11' rear yd but APPROVED 16' rear yd, condl C-5173 9-17-62---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 5- Permit to Ramon A. & Chonita Mendoza to const fam rm & studio addn to front & Ely side of exist sin fam res; addn to obs 16 1 SB on Sperry Ct, where 20' SB is estab at 6942 Sperry Ct, Wly of Coolidge St. Zone R-1-5, condl c-6520 6-2-64