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Development Services

Linda Vista #3 Block 68 Card 2

LINDA VISTA #3 BLOCK 68 CARD 2.tif BLOCK 68 Card /I?- Lo~ 76- Permit to Alan E. & Bethel Essex to erect approx 90 of 5' hi solid redwood fence on top of exist blk wall varying in ht from 2 16" to 4' for a total ht varying from 7'6" to 9' where a max 6 hi solid fence is perm at 6851 Pbillips Ct at the end of cul-de-sac, Zone R-1-5. C-8382 NH 10-5-67 ('7---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 23- Permit to Vaugnn & Margaret Roberts to constr 6 1 x 30' room addn to exist sin fam unit; addn to obs 16 SB on Coolidge St wbere estab 20' SB is req, at 1888 Coolidge St bet"li Quinn Court and Otis Court, Zone R-1-5. C-11465 N.H. 8-22-72----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 94- Permit to Donald v. Kelly to constr & operate a PRD located on the south side of Tait St betw Coolidge & Burton Streets in the Linda Vista area. Zone R-2. PRD #54 7-27-73-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 64- Permit to Georgean R. Huling to maintain approx. 55' of 5' high wooden fence obs l' SB where 10' street side yrd i1/req, at 1825 Burton St. betwn Newbold and Lake Ct., Zone R-1-5. n C-12,484 N.H. 3-1-74----------------------------------------------------------------