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Development Services

Linda Vista #3 Block 78 Card 1

LINDA VISTA #3 BLOCK 78 CARD 1.tif LINDA VISTA #3 BLOCK 78 CARD #I ~\ Lot 26- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Samuel W. McNaugnton to alter & add to exist sin fam res; addn to obs 12' SB on Burton St; exist porcn obs 11' SB on Burton St, Wnere 15' SB is estab, at 1641 Burton St., Zone R-1, Cond'l. c-6033 9-27-62 Lot 5- Permit to James E. Braxton to maintain approx 75' of exist 61 nign wood fence obs 2' SB on Burton St where 15' nas been estab and wnere max 3' nigh fence is perm if fence is closer tnan 50' to front prop line and wnere tnere is vehicular access to tne premises thru tne street, at 1765 Burton St. SE Cor at Intersec with Kramer St, Zone R-1-5. Lot 9- AGREEMENT to LARRY AND MARY MONTOYA and family room attached to existing second entrance, at 6842 Janney Court, Zone R-1-5. C-11676 N.H. 11-29-72 to construct a second floor bedroom, bath floor bedroom, bath and library with outside AGREEMENT #2681 7-8-81 lot 15- Permit DENIED by ZA to JOHN AND KATHRYN BARRETT to (1) maintain 95'-0" of block wal 1 with fence above ranging from 81-211 to 9'-4" in height, observing a 0 1-011 street side yard where a 3'-0" high wall/fence is the maximum permitted when the wa.11/fence is closer than 50'-0" to the front property I ine and a 6'-0" high wal 1/fence is the maximum permitted 50'-0" in back of the front property line; and (2) maintain 41'-0" of block wall ranging from 1'-0" to 3'-8" in height, observing a 0 1-011 street side yard where a 3'-0" high wall is the maximum permitted in the required street side yard, located at 1725 Burton Street, Zone R-1-5. C-18438 NH 6-1-84