Linda Vista #3 Block 89 Card 1
LINDA VISTA #3 BLOCK 89 CARD 1.tif Card #1 ~(Lot 15- Permit to Wm,F. & Florence M. Wilson to const addn to exist res side yd for one cor & const storage & open patio addn as shown on plans, to have 3' at 1430 Coolidge 8-3-55 St, Zone R-1, condl Ras 9o84 Lot 14- Permit to Dean & Margaret Hottell to const 24' x 26' gar with 2'6" side yd (5' req) & 6 rear yd (25' req) & 2' from eave to prop line at 1446 Coolidge St., Zone R-1. Res. 9257 10-26-55 Lot 13- Permit to Kenneth E, Crites to const 24' x 26' gar with 6' rear yd (25' req) & 2' from eaves to prop line (3'9" req) at 1460-62 Coolidge St, Zone R-1. C-1647 2-14-58 Lot 15- Wm. F. & Florence M. Wilson to const an addn to an exist res the addn to have a 3' sideyd for one cor, & to const a storage 811" open patio addn. A-855 9-21-55 Lot 9- Permit to Deward V, & Evelyn Noble to const 525 sq ft gar in front 701, of lot, obs 3' sideyd & 16' rear yd & eaves obs 20" distance from side p.l. (5' side yd & 20' rear yd req & 3'9" eaves:t'ran p,L perm) at 1516 Coolidge St., Zone R-1. C-5038 6-25-62 Lot 14- Permit to Dean A. & Margaret E. Hottell to const addn to front of sin fam dwell; addn to pbs 11' 8" SB where 12. 5' is req on par w /oversize gar obs 6' rear yd & 26" side yd at 1446 Coolidge St., Zone R-1. C-5199 9-7-62