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Development Services

Linda Vista #4 Block 70

LINDA VISTA #4 BLOCK 70.tif ~ '"._,... LINDA VISTA UNIT #4 BLOCK 70- \ Lot 6- Permit to Chae. E. & Adel Gray to erect 51 fence in SB area on tn.ric St. at 1948 Weetingnouse, R-1. C-538 6-14-56----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 1- Permit DENIED to Lance A. Jones, Owner, add A.R. Wylie Sign Co., Lessee, for perm to erect and maintain for a period of one year a 4 1 x 4, overall height 8 1, single- face, non-illuminated subd sign advert "Casa Bella Subd" approx 1 mile to the west; siep; to obs~ 1 1 setback on both eta where 10 1 setback is req on tn.ric and 20 1 setback is estab on Tait St. at southeast corner of Tait and Ul.i:ic, Zone R-2. C-11,864 4-19-73