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Linda Vista #7 Block 6 Card 1

LINDA VISTA #7 BLOCK 6 CARD 1.tif LlllDA VISTA UNIT #7 BLOCK 6 Card /11 (O Lot 15- Permit to Gerald & Lucille L. Olsen to const 16 1 x 26 1 gar with 0' side yd not in rear 3~ of lot, at 2802 Nye st., Zone R-1, Res. 9372 1-18-56 Lot 37- Permit to Henry Christopher to maint 4 1 hi wall in the SB area at 2851 Preece St., Zone R-1. C-338 2-29-56 Lot 47- Permitto Thomas & Millie Ferrare to const living rm addn to exist sin fam res, addn to obs 10' SB (12' req} at 2951 Preece St,, Zone R-1, c-2498 5-11-59 Lot 46- Permit to Robt E. & Virginia Florez to const add to liv rm of exist sin fam res, addn to obs 12' SB (12' req) at 2937 Preece St., Zone R-1. Lot 7- Permit to Henry B. for coml raising of worms; R-1/ 2 yr ext to exp 8-30-64 C-3339 5-4-60 & Luella E. Webb to use rear yd of lot with exist sin fam res approx 500 sq ft area, wholesale only at 2872 Nye St., Zone c-3588 9-30-60 C-3588 Lot 21- Permit to Chas Reese to const 4 1 x 8 1 addn to kitchen of exist dwell & porch roof across front add to kitchen & porch to be in line w/exiat porch & all to obs 13' SB (15' req) at 2733 Nye St., Zone R-1, condl c-6020 9-23-63