LINDE.tif r UNDE. \((l 1C\.. l (Por of Lot 5- Be it resolved by the Council of the City of S. D. that a finding1':, and it is hereby made that a peanut butter manfacturing plant, proposed to be located on por or Lot 5 in the M-1 Zone, wly of the intersection of Morena Blvd. & Sherman St., Nly of the Seara Warehouse, by J. Dorsee 3152 Kemper St., is a business similar to and not more obnoxious or detrimental to the welfare of the particular community than the uses.perm in Section 101.0437, S. D. Municipal Code. Res. No. CC 177237 9-17-63----------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 5- Permit to Roscoe E. Hazard, Jr., Inc., owner & Alfred Hart Co., u purch to erect approx 215' of 81 hi chain link fence in estab 15 1 SB where 38 is perm, at NW side of Sherman St. betw Morena Blvd&: Lovelock St., H-1 Zone cond'l C-9037 N.H. 12-12-68 Lot 5- TABLED- Request by Roscoe E. Hazard Jr. owner & Alfred Hart Co., purchaser to erect 90 1 high free-standing double-faced sign approx 40 1 x 16' obs 0 1 SB where 15' is established on the NW side of Sherman St. betw Morena Blvd and Lovelock St. 1IIXI. M-1 zone C-9036 1-3-69 Lot 1- Permit to Cal Pacific Management Co. to erect a 30 1-high, 120 sq. ft. ground sign to obs 0' sb at 1022 Morena Blvd. Zone M-1. C-14356. 7-14-77.