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Development Services

Lockling's Addn. Block 2

LOCKLING'S ADDN. BLOCK 2.tif LOCKLING'S ADDITION BLOCK 2 (,. Lots G & H- Setback suspended, A. Schreiber. Res. 35131 8-31-25---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot K- Condl permit to R.B. Whitcomb to conduct auto park lot, monthly rental, 1254 13th St. Res. 6o73 12-12-51 Por Blks 1 & 2- Resolved by the Council of the City the matter of rezoning Blks 183 & 184 & por Blks 1 & 2, Locking's Subd. & por iof Blks 1 & 2, Horton's Addn from Zone R-4 to Zone C comprising aprox 1.8 acres, located on both sides of A St. betw 12th & 14th St~, be and it is hereby filed. CC Res. 178470 1-7-64