Lois Manor
LOIS MANOR.tif LOIS MANOR Lot 8 & Por Lot 55, Bayview Glen- land pur from Clairemont Co to use main sign structure at entrance to amend 9-23-75 Permit to~~~~-C~mmunity Congregational.urch to J for parking purposes in connec with exist church & parking lot, R-1, 4905 Jellett St., Cond'I. add C-1987 8-15-58 Lot 2- Permit to Edgar A. Tokalon Court, R-1-5 Zone. BZA Sustains ZA's decision & Lois Wilson to const a sfd C-14553 NH. 8-2-77. 10-4-77. ~ /-/o-7g to obs a 16' rear yd at 2590----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------