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Development Services

Loma Alta # 1 Block 12 Card 1

LOMA ALTA # 1 BLOCK 12 CARD 1.tif ".,.. " "'.,.. LOMA ALTA #1 BLOCK 12 ~ (:,Qj) c/#1. Lot 36- Private garage, 51 from p.l. on Mendocino Blvd., to Della Kuhlman Petersen. Res. 68510 11-15-38--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 22 & Sly 45.2 1 of 28- Permit to Ernest H. Purcell to operate a rug cleaning estab in connection with retail rug store, Voltaire St., Wly of Catalina Blvd., Res. 2866 2-11-48------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 6- Permit to Joy.Nixon to operate a child care facility for 16 children providing no off-street pkg where 3 spaces are required, for one year, at 4335 Banning St., Zone R-2-A. Condit. ~.d..-t..J,.__ l,--'-1-2..Q_;.c.. 0 0 D ~Tf oN.s_________________ c~ 1 5738________ 2113/79_____ Lot 5- Permit DENIED by AZA to Gerald & Patricia Garner to (1) maintain existing one-unit addition on lot with existing unit; addition observes al' interior side yard where 4 1 is required; and (2) provide required 3 parking spaces in tandem, one observing 0' front yard where 2 tandem only are permitted and 15 1 front yard is required, at 4341 Banning St., zone R-2-A. Case 16573 2-29-80