Loma Alta # 1 Block 12 Card 2
LOMA ALTA # 1 BLOCK 12 CARD 2.tif LO~ ALTA #1, BLOCK 12 ~ cARD#~ Lot 14- Permit DENIED by ZA to ROBERT AND CAROL HENRY to construct a single-family dwelling on a lot with an existing single-family dwelling; (1) to provide three parking spaces; one standard space observing a 4 1 front yard, and two compact spaces observing a 9' front yard where 15' is required; and (2) to provide 49' of landscaping where 184.5 sq. ft. is required (II percent of the required front yard where 40"/o is required), at 4267 Whittier Street, Zone R-2A, C-17950 3-11-83 Lot 27- ZA APPROVED request of WILLIAM HOMIK, Lessee, to construct a roof-mounted satellite antenna where roof-mounted satellite antennas are allowed by special permit only at 4202 Voltaire St., C. Zone. C-19013 1/13/86 Lot 23- ZA APPROVED with conditions the Conditional Use Permit sought by Christiano G, & Evelina C,S, DaRosa, Owners; Gary L. Rose, D.V.M., dba Cabrillo Veterinary Hospital, purchaser, to relocate a veterinary hostipal into an existing commercial building, located at 4230 Voltaire Street, CC zone, Coastal Zone, Propositoin "D" Height Limit Overlay Zone. C-20196 1-27-89