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Development Services

Loma Alta # 1 Block 14 Card 2

LOMA ALTA # 1 BLOCK 14 CARD 2.tif LOMA ALTA NO. 1 BLOCK 14 600' on Ely 100' of SW50' of blk- Permit to John August Reed to erect sin fam dwell on par split out of orig lot after date of orig zoning but prior to 12-5-54 in 2100 blk Mendocino Blvd., 600' S of Voltaire St., Zone R-1, condl C-5612 4-22-63 Por of blk- Permit to Robt 0. & Regina M. Morin to const 21' x 26 1 detached gar addn on lot with exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs l' side yd where 4 1 is req & eave overhang to obs 4" side yd where 2 1 6" is perm at 2105 Venice St betw Brighton Ave. & Longbranch Zone R-1-5, condl C-9700 2-3-70 Por of Blk,- Permit to Stephen L. Jr. and Barbara Ann Vogt to erect approx 64 1 of concrete blk retaining wall ranging in height from 4 1 to 10 1 obs 0' front yard and 0 1 interior side yard where max 3 1 high wall is perm in 15' front yard and max 6 1 high wall is perm in a 4 1 interior side yard, 2100 Block Mendocino Blvd. between Voltaire Street and Cataline Ct., Zone R-1-5, C-12,304 N.H. 11-6-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NE 50 1 of SW 100'- Permit to Eugene W. Gardocki, Jr. & Jeff Brown & Vivian Akers to erect approx 20' of ret wall ranging in height from 2' to 8 1 and to obs a O' front yard at 2114 Mendocino Blvd. R-1-5 Zone. Condition. C-14340.N.H.4-25-77, No lots mentioned, Variance, approved by SCA, Mike & construct a covered entry way at 2111 Venice Street, C-21091 fo Jean Liuzzi sought to Rl-5000 zone 8-6-93