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Development Services

Loma Alta # 1 Block 15

LOMA ALTA # 1 BLOCK 15.tif lOMA AL TA UN Ii NO. BLOCK 15 Lot 10- ZA considered request of CHARLES ANGYAL, owner, STEVEN R. BRADLEY, purchaser- to constr. a one-story, 2-car garage; 1) observing a 0'3" front yard where 15' is required; 2) observing a 0'3" interior yard where 4 1 is required at 4369 Voltaire St., Zone Rl-5000, & has DEN I ED as requested, but APPROVED I) garage to observe O' 3" front yard where 15 1 is required; 2) garage redesigfi observing overall outside dimension of 20 1 411 measured parallel to the front property I ine, subj to conds, and observing a 3" interior yard where 4' is reqd. C-19229 6/6/86