Loma Alta # 1 Block 16 Card 1
LOMA ALTA # 1 BLOCK 16 CARD 1.tif.r.....,. ' LOMA 'ALTA NO. 1 BLOCK 16 Card #1(_?-9 ~ Lot 1- Permit to E.J. LaTour, R-2 (Ord 12793) suspended to allow an addnl dwelling at. 4403 Green St. Res. 56927 7-27-31 Lot 1- Ord. 12321 suspended to allow addn to a gar to the p.l. on Mendocino St, to E.J. LaTour, 4407 Green St. Res. 73071 1-7-41 Lots 12 & 13- Permit to Ted. M. Moore to redivide said lots into 2 parcels, eacn 52' in width, facing Bolinas St & constr a sin fam res on eacn, subj to SBs on botn Voltaire & Bolinas St & subj to arcn. approval of tne plans. Res. 3634 12-29-48 Lot 18- Permit to Coast Security, Harold La Fleur, to const store bldg with 5' SB on lots 19 & 20 on Voltaire & 10' SB on lot 18 on Voltaire at Mendocino st. Res. 7191 2-18-53 Lot 8- Permit to Clifford G. & Marie B. Trembley to maint exist bedrm & batn with O' sideyd, 2227 Bolinas St, Zone R-1, condl Bes. 8666 12-22-54 Lot 17- Permit DENIED to Frank J. Rohan to maint 3 liv units, but APPROVED 2 liv units, unit at rear extending 8" over side p.l. (4' side yd req) & 12' rear yd (20' req) 4334 Voltaire R-1, condl c-2079 & 80 10-10-58