Loma Alta # 1 Block 17
LOMA ALTA # 1 BLOCK 17.tif..)(Lots 13 & 14- Permit to Glen H. McDonald, 4420 Voltaire St, to erect a doc~rs off & res at corner of Voltaire & Bolinas Stss, in R-1 Zone on the following conditions: (1) Tb.at SB line estab by aver dist of dwellings along Bolinas St, be maint on this prop; (2) ttiat a 15' SB be maintained along Voltaire St; (3) that an adequate parking lot be provided in rear of office for use of clients, entrance to said parking lot to befrom Bolinas St; (4) it is understood this will be a doctor's office in connection with his home & will not be a clinic. Res. 75836 12-23-41 Lot 19- Permit DENIED to Edward J. & Evei,,,n Panek to const 2 car gar & utility rm witll apt ovee witll 5' rear yd, 2242 Bolinas. Res. 6136 1-23-52 Lots 13-15- Permit to Glen H. & Dorothy L. McDonald to make int alterations & conv exist apt into clinic, att to exist clinic, with max 2 doctors at 4404 Voltaire St, R-1 condl Res. 9236 10-14-55 Lots 13-i5- Amendment to Res. 9236 ABOVE to Glen H. McDonald to conv exist gar to office rm to accommodate X-ray equip, in addn to that permitted on above res, at 4404 Voltaire St., condl Res. 9295 11-9-55--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 2 & 3- Permit to Mary D. Smith to const 2 sin fam uints making 3 on prop, at 2263 Soto St., Zone R-2 C-2197 12-19-58 The existing res obs 3' rear yd (10' req) C-2198 12-19-e,8