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Development Services

Loma Alta # 1 Block 18 Card 1

LOMA ALTA # 1 BLOCK 18 CARD 1.tif Card #1 Lot 16- Permit to J.S. Rauner, et al by Leslie M. Kelley, private residence in Zone,~ R-1, with side yd of 3', 2Z16 Soto St (V9ltaire). Res. 65647 3-9-37 Lot 15- Permit granted to Leslie M. Kelley to build an addn to a res at 2216 Soto St, more than 50"/o of the assessed value of the property, res has 3' sideyd. Res. 23"2 6-5-47 Lot 15- Permit DENIED to Leslie M. Kelley to convert sin fam res to duplex, 2216 Soto. Res. 3971 6-29-49. SEly 50 1 Lot I- Permit to B.G. Foster to att exist gar to exist res & conv to 1 iv quar, & add to exist bath at rear of bldg, bldg having 4 1 rear yd, 4471 Green St. Res. 8313 6-23-54 Lot 22, exc SWIO' & all Lot 23- Permit to Ethel Ketterer to guardian- Elsie G. Brink to retain exist sin fam dwell & constr 2nd unit at later date, R-2 Zone, 70' frontage on Soto St. S-588 4-8-59 Lot 21 & SW 10 1 Lot 22- Permit to Chas A. & Audree A. Boeh to constr new sin fam res making 2 units on this parcek, R-2 Zone, 50 1 frontage on Soto. S-587 4-8-59-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------