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Loma Alta # 1 Block 6 Card 2

LOMA ALTA # 1 BLOCK 6 CARD 2.tif LOMA ALTA #1 BLOCK 6 CARD #2-..f'-'... \~ Lot 2- Z.A. Appi:-o_ved the req. of Manual P. George, Owner and A.R. Wylie Sign Co. Lessee, to H"1-r~ctt and matntaln for a period of one yr. a single face, 4'x 4', overall hetght 8 1 non illuminated, subdivision directional sign advertising "Park Point Loma" (2) sign to obs. O' front yrd. on Whittier St. where 15' front yrd. is req. Located at 4163 Whittier St. bet. Catalina Blvd. and San Clemente St. Zoned R-2A EXT OF TIME {EXPIRES 7-24-77) 6-29-76 C- 13186 7-21-75 ~--a~-.--"4-- 7-..)."/- 78' c 7-,;> ~ 77;----------------------------------------------- Lot 15- Permit was considered by ZA to JANET C, COHENOUR, owner; DENNIS SONNER, pur- chaser, to construct a 40 1 X 36' garage and storage building to observe a O' rear yard where a structure in a C Zone must observe a 15' rear yard when it abuts residentially zoned property, at 4118 Voltaire Street, Zone C, DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED construction of a 40 1 X 36 1 garage and storage building to observe a 10 1-611 rear yard where 15 1 is required, Conditions. C-17723 8-27-82 BZA- APPEAL DENIED. UPHELD DECISION OF THE ZA. 10-21-82 Lot 12- The Z.A. APPROVED with conditions the variance request of Judson & Lynn Greer to construct a second-story addition to a single-family dwelling to observe a 3'3" street side yard, located at 4105 Whittier Street, $-1500 Zone C-20350 Aug. 11, 1988