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Loma Alta # 2 Block 31 Card 2

LOMA ALTA # 2 BLOCK 31 CARD 2.tif,,,, <,,, ',,,., LOHA, ALT!) #2 aL,qCK,,31 Lots 13 & 14- Assist. z. A, considered existing garage & move on second single where 15' is req. at 4455 Montalvo St., St, Zone R-4; and has DENIED request as Condi.-CARD#2 > d' the req. of Jerry & Janet Bujakowski to removJJ.d-...,...1 family dwelling to obs. 2' front yd. on Valet~ Southeast of W. Pt. Loma Blvd. & north side of Valeta submitted, but APPROVED a 4 1 setback on Valeta St. Case # 10478 5-18-71 Lota l-3- to Clarence A. Loia E. Oro.a to (1) coutr a c!uplex on top of a,._car Pn&e on lot vitn 5 exiat unit, llft' tluplex to oba t. front yd oa \'aleta St an4,.,.a atreet aicleyd Oil w. Poin.t Lama Blvcl wtae:re a 15' front yd aad a lO' atreet aic!eyard ia:req; ad (2) provide five ott-at:reet parkiag apace, oae open parking apace to oba 1 16 front yd on Montalva St where 15' ia req- &~ "88 \'aleta st betw Weat Point Lama Blvd. and ClOYia St. Zoae R-... C-11079 3-16-72-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------