Loma Alta # 2 Block 32 Card 1
LOMA ALTA # 2 BLOCK 32 CARD 1.tif.......,.,_.. ,: ~. T.... T.. LOMA ALTA NO. 2 Lots 9 to 18 inclusive- Permit APPROVED by ZA to Jack & Helen Whitney for approximately 140 1 of retaining wal I ranging in height from 5 1 to 10 1-811, observing 0 1 interior side yard and 0 1 front yard where a maximum 6 1 high wall is permitted in the required 4 1 interior side yard and maximum 3 1 high is permitted in required 15 1 front yard, at 4534-4572 West Point Loma Blvd., Zone R-4. CASE NO. 15938 NH 3-26-79 rarcel Map 7420) Portions Lots 1-25 & Lot A- Permit to The Whitney Development Company APPROVED by ZA to erect 108 1 of 6 1 high open fence across the driveways observing a 10 1 front yard where a maximum 3 1 high fence is permitted in 15 1 front yard, at 4534-76 West Point Loma Blvd., Zone R-4. Conditions. 0,.N'(~.tN~--Ld_j_:_;,1..:.80-- CASE NO.~ 16408 NH---_J0-15-79 (Parcel 1- P.M. 7420)- Portion Lots 1- 25- Permit APPROVED by ZA, to Pacifica, a Limited Partnership, to maintain garden windows on four units observing 13 1 10" front yard where 15' is required, at 4584 West Point Loma Boulevard, Zone R-4. CASE 16547 NH 12-28-79