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Development Services

Loma Alta Unit# 1 Block 5

LOMA ALTA UNIT# 1 BLOCK 5.tif LOMA ALTA Ill BLOCK 5 Lot 5- Ord. 12321 suspended to allow building at bldg. to any establ. line at his own expense when signed by B.V. Bayne. (0 p.l. on Voltaire provided owner moves Voltaire is widended. AGREEMENT Res. 53559 4-21-30-------------------------------------------------------------- NEly 66 1 of Lots 19 and 20 exc. SEly 25 1 of 19- Permit to Daniel & Pansey Rimel to convert an exist gar into a ceramic studio, to conduct classes in ceramic work & to sell ceramic items, at 2165 Catalina Blvd, (one sign permit, not to exceed 2 sq ft). Res. 9014 6-22-55-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 6- ZA WITHDRAWS request of RANDOLPPH W. VOLHEIM to operate a church and church related activities, where such use is allowed only by CUP. Located at 4135 Voltaire St. CC Zone C-20679 6/18/91---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 13- ZA APPROVED Fence/staircase Variance request of LEDSAM PROERTIES, INC., to maintain the following, currently in violation, on a lot improved with a two-story apt. bldg,: (1) a 6 1-4 11 high exterior staircase obs. a 1' east side yard where 6' is requried; (2) a 7' high exterior staircase obs, a 11 west side yard where 6 1 is required; (4) a max. 11'-3" hgih comb. solid fence/retaining wall within the east side yard where a max. height f 12' is permitted provided separations are provided in compliance with design criteria; ((5) a max. 11 1-211 high comb. solid fence/retaining wall within the west side yard where a max. height of 12 1 is permitted provided horizontal separations are provided in compl. with design criteria; and MODIFIED (3) a max. 71-5" hgih comb. solid fence/retaining wall within the front yard where a comb.height of 9 1 is permitted provided horizontal separations are provided in compliance with design crit. so that the solid fence measures no more than 3' high from adj. property to the west,4120 Udall St., R-1500 Zone C-21031. 11/20/92