Loma Alta#2 Block 31 Card 1
LOMA ALTA#2 BLOCK 31 CARD 1.tif ~,,.,,- ', ~, BLOCK 31 Lots 14 & 15 Permit to erect & operate not closer to Montalvo St than 10 1, 5 yr expires 10-26-42, at 4455 Montalvo St..CAIDfl ~, a green house (hot house) in R-4 Zone, loc~ temporary permit to Lawrence H. Fewkes, Res. 66720 10-26-37 Lots 13-19- Permit to L.M. & E.M. Fewkes to repair & resume the property, retail sale of shrubs & plants at 4455 Montalvo St. non-conforming use of Res. 1127 10-11-45 Lots I, 2 & Wly 15 1 of 3- Condi permit to James & Lucille Welsch to maint & operate an antinque shop in an exist private gar at 4495 Montalvo St.. Res. 1840 10-24-46 [ots-8-T~------~ssist.-Z.A.-cons.req.-or-Jerry_&_Janet-Bujakowski-for-permission-~as---- amended) to move on 2-stort, 3-unit apartment building in addn. to existing four single fam. dwellings on lots; existing units are non-conforming as to yds. (10' front yd. on Val eta St. & 13' on Montalvo St.}and parking (none)- addn. to obs. 2' front yd. wh~re 15' is req. & to provide'6 parking spaces for 3 units, 4 parking spaces to be 3 1 back of property line & 13' from curb, where parking is req. to be 18 1 from curb, at 4465Montalvo St., east of.,w. Pt. Loma Blvd. & North side 1_of Valeta St; Zone R-4; and has DENIED the application as submitted,: but APPROVED applicant to move on a duplex & to obs. a 5' setback on Valeta St. where 15' is req. and to provi~e 2 pa_rking spaces to be 15' from face of curb, where 18' is req. Case# 10479 5-18-71