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Development Services

Loma Grande Block 3 Card 1

LOMA GRANDE BLOCK 3 CARD 1.tif LOMA GRANDE a,01 ~v-C ~ BLOCK. 3 Lots 9 & 10- Permit to A.R. Hansen, B (Ord. 1084o) suspended to allow erection of addnl bldg at 2127 4th Ave., Res. 53171 3-3-30 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 16 & 17- SB sus, for P.I. Osburn. Res. 35134 8-31-25 Lot 6- Buildings of C L Mer r i 1 I REPEALED to be erected will be at least 15 1 from front p.1., Permit to estate Res. 47495 10-18-28 Res. 47849 11-5-28------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 8- Apt. bldg within 15' of the front p.l. Permit to Florence G. Mark. Res. 49594 Suspended for a 5' SB. Res. 51878 Lot 6- Permit to Temple Turner, to erect 2 story apt, SB 5 1 on 4th Ave. Res. 55689 4-1-29 10-21-29 1-12-31-----------------------------------------------------------------?----------------------- Lot 5- Permit to Agnes R. Burns, by Sybil Anderson to oper antique shop in res, 3535 4th Ave., expires 1-8-36 Res. 61260 1-8-34 Lot 7- Permit to Frank E. & Beatrice 3525 4th Ave, R-4 Zone, condl 6 mo ext to 9-15-61 ~B* M. avanagh to use exist bldgs for insurance off C-3112 2-19-60------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------