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Development Services

Loma Grande Block 3 Card 2

LOMA GRANDE BLOCK 3 CARD 2.tif BLOCK 3 Carel #2/1, Por Lot 1 and Lot 3 of Blk 13, Brookes Addn- Permit to Roy V. Jones, OWner and Joan~ Martin & D. B. Weaver, less to maint art studio, no employees in por res, 3579 Fourth Ave. zone R-4 for 3 ~rs to run with lease. C-3491 8-5-60 Lots 6-10- Floor Area Ratio Exception Permit to Panorama Properties Co. and Loma Grande to constr and operate a 40-8nit, J.6-story residential project on the NE cor of Fourth and Wal.nut Avenues. Zone R-4.:PARP #11 8-27-74------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 3- Permit APPROVED by ZA to GARY C. ADEN to maintain a psychologist in addition to three psychiatrists on premises where maximum two such professionals are allowed, for a period of one year, at 3563 Fourth Avenue, Zone R-4. Conditions. C-17118 2-13-81 Lot 3- Permit was considered by A2A to GARY C. ADEN, TRUSTEE for LELAND & CAROLYN HOUSEI-V\N to maintain two ground signs: (1) 11 X 4 1, 4 1-611 high; and (2) 6 1 X 2 1, 8 1-911 high (total sign area 19. l sq. ft.) where wal 1 signs only are permitted, at 3563 Fourth Avenue, Zone CO. c-17361 1-19-82 DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED one ground sign maximum of 8 sq. ft., 8 1 high, to observe 5 1 setback. Conditions.