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Development Services

Loma Valley Block 3

LOMA VALLEY BLOCK 3.tif-.---....--- BLOCK 3 Lot 3, por- Permit to David J. & Mabel M. Allaire, own & Mason McNincn II, pur, to const res witn 13' rear yd (20' req) on E side Loma. Valley Rd. \letw Charles & Jennings, R-1, subj to filing of final subd. map. c-1214 5-20-57 Por Lots 2 & 3- to Franklin T. & Carol M. Dougnerty to const sin fem res obs 13' rear yd (20' req) N of & adj to 775 Loma Valley Rd, R-1 zone, on cond that Final Rec. of Survey be filed (R/S #5476 filed). c-3167 3-4-60 Por Lots 2 & 3- Permit to Franklin R. & Carol M, Dougnerty to erect sin fem res, front porcn & stairway 7' SB, bldg proper 10' SB (req) N of & adj to 775 Loma Valley Rd, R-1. c-3649 10-28-60