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Development Services

Loma View Block 4

LOMA VIEW BLOCK 4.tif \,_,,:~ -.,,,_' ~ LOMA VIEW BLOCK 4-Lots l & 2- Condl permit to George Klicka, Jr. & Joseph & Stepnaine E. Avoyer to divide property into 2 bldg sites at SE cor of Silvergate & Wilcox Ste to permit l sin fam res on each. Res. 1789 9-26-46 Lots 8 & 9- Permit to P. E. & Helen M. Payne to replace exist non-conforming 5' hi fence in front SB area witn new fence of same heignt at 3554 Charles St, R-1. C-506 6-4-56 Lot 11- Permit to J.A. & Marilyn P. Malthaner to convert exist gar into a recreation rm; gar now obs 2 1611 side yd; conversion will also obs 2 1611 side yd where 4' is req at 3570 Charles St. betw Silvergate Ave. & Albion St., Zone R~+-5, condl c-8858 9-11-68----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 14- Permit APPROVED by ZA, to Frank & Martha True for construction of approximately 160 1 of 6 1 high solid wood fence on top of existing retaining wall, ranging in height from 0 1 to 4', resulting in overall height of JO', observing 0' interior side and 9 1-611 rear yard where maximum 6 1 high fence or wall is permitted in required 4 1 interior side yard and 20 1 rear yard, at 3592 Charles Street, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. CASE 16528 NH 12-3-79