Lomita Village #3
LOMITA VILLAGE #3.tif .,..,,,., ~-,, ~... LOMlTA VILLAGE #3 ,)- Lot 453- Permit DENIED to Joseph A. & Myrl R. Vanzant to maint louvered screen under construction 6' hi, l' 3" above ground, wi tb. overall ht of 7' 3" with 5 '4" SB wnere 12' is req at 715 Glencoe Dr. c-655 8-6-56 Lot 469-- Permit to Robert R. & Betty English. to mafnafn exist garage coxrversfon fo-- enlargement of living, dining area, obs. 7' rear yd and fireplace obs. 4 1 rear yd, wnere 20' is req. at 874 Jacumba St. s.w. cor. of intersection with Guatay St. Zone R-1-5.condl. c-10658 8-6-71