Lomita Village Block 6
LOMITA VILLAGE BLOCK 6.tif vf~Jiriii:Jii.1,'u:~~_;.,_~,~-~.. ~,,A.-~-.~'t~i~S;:--. ~---,-~A-... ..----7, 1....,-~~-'"'---......,---..~--:::i,1',,__.. "'___,.._~ 7,~"':,,...... ..,,,_,,......_... 'I L"' 1.2.3 6 4- Permit to Richmond Bldg. Material. Oo. to conatr. 1 sing. t;- residence,;.. 811.b ect to conditions Cardiff & San ftcente Rea. Ho. 2 6 Lota 12,13 & 14- Permit to llichllond Bldg. Jlaterial Co. to conatr 1aing, faa. reai4ence,_________ 1J11=b'-"j <;:;ec.;;.t.;;....;t:..;;o...... co_n=d.i t1ons1 Cardiff,I San Vicente lee. Bo. 2257 5/9/47 Lota 151 16 & 17- Permit to llichllond Bldg, Material Co. to conatr 3 sing fall. residence, subject to condition, Cardiff & San Vicente lea. B0 2215 5/9/47 Lots 1g0 19 & 20- PermU to lliehllo111dtlll4&. "~terial Co. to conatr. 3 aing.faa. reaiclencea, aub ect to conditions Carclift & San Vicente Bes. Ho. 2214 Lota 21,22,23 & 2- Permit to Richmond:Bldg, Material Co, to conatr. sing.fam.~esicleDCes, aub ect to condi tiona Carcliff & S Vicente Bas. Ho. 221 4 Lots 25,2,27 & 28- Permit to ichmoncl Bldg. Material. Co. to conatr. aing.fam. subject to conditiona,Cardiff & San Vicente Bas. lo. 2212