Longford Canyon Estates (T.M 76-206)
LONGFORD CANYON ESTATES (T.M 76-206).tif LONGFORD CANYON ESTATES (T, 1'1. 7t-..:> tJ?,),--T,.,,fq,f-,v '- ~Lot 5- Permit to Central-Brandow to const a sfd obs a 61 rear yd at ford Place. R-1-5 Zone. C-14628 NH. 8-24-77. the clst pt at Long---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IDt 8- ZA considered the satellite Antenna Permit request of VINCENT J. and PAMELA A. LUBINSKY to maintain a 17'-0" high pole m::mnted satellite antenna not located in the rear 40% of the lot and not screened by fencing, buildings or landscaping so that the antenna is not visible fran the public rights-of-way, at 4982 Longford Place, Rl-5000 zone, the Satellite Antenna Permit is hereby DENIED as requested but APPIDVED to pennit the placement of a 15'-0" high antenna within the front 40% of the property's depth, subject to conditions: C-20601 August 16, 1990