Los Ranchitos Card 1
LOS RANCHITOS CARD 1.tif LOS RANCHITOS ' Lot 8- Permit to Betty N. Perkins, to constr 2 houses on I lot, each with min of 60' frontage and 6,000' in area., 652 Rosecrans St. Ord.#31-NS) Res.73345 2-11-41---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Lot 4- Permit to Howard & Lillian Cobb to erect 20'x40' garg, storage and den hldg. 14' rear yrd, 3532 lowell Way. Res.#3928 6-1-49 Lot 4- Cond'I permit to Max Maisel to constr 14 1 x~'20 1 addn to exist gar bldg. with 14 1 rear yrd and sundeck on roof and new addn., at 3532 Loweilliay, Zone R-1 A-690 Res.#5099 11-1-50----r----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 4- Permit to Walter J & Betty Zab}e to remodel kitchen and guest house of exist res & constr family room addn; exist guest ho obs 13 1 rear yrd (25' req) addn to obs all yrd req, 3532 Lowell Way, R-1 Cond'I, agreement bldg to be used by members of family-servants, guests SEE AGREEMENr. NO. 1106 c-3556 N.H. 9-2-60 Lot 4- AGREEMENT #690 to Max Maisel to constr a 14'x20' addn to an exist gargage bldg. with a 14' rear yrd and a sundeck on:the roof of the new addn on Lot 4 of Los Ranchi tos C-3556 N.H.-1-4-50