Los Ranchitos Card 2
LOS RANCHITOS CARD 2.tif LOS RANCHITOS Lot 2- Permit to B. L. & Muriel A. Towle to constr. a 13 16" x 27' two-bedrm. & batri addn. to exist. 13' x 27' guest riouse on lot witri exist. siR9. fam. dwell; exist. bldg. now obs. 51 rear yd and addn to obs at closest point a 7' rear yd wriere 20' is req. at 3521 Lowell Way betw. Lowell St. & end of cul-de-sac, Zone R-1-5. Condl. c-1o627 8-6-71------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 5- Permit to Howard & Helen Esmay to erect approx 40' of 6 1 high solid block wall obs a O' front yardin 15' estab front yard sb at 3524 Lowell Way in the R-1-5 Zone. Conditions. ~~~!!~~~-~=~~~~~-~~:--~=~~=:~:----~--a:f~-~--~-1-.:Z!/:_(Q_C't:{(:l_iy._