Lot 34 329-S 431
LOT 34 329-S 431.tif. ~ '\d1 S '-(\ vA!W ifJ. . Lot 34, Frank A. & Rubie L l,on,J DENIED to maintain exist combination retaining wall & fenoe(max. overall height 108 inoh.) 7411 permitted,at 5941 La Jolla Mesa Dr. R-lB zone Case 2607 7-3-59------------------------- Lot 18, H. D. & Jane P. Bowman DENIED to erect 3 1 windbreak on exist. 6 1 fence for ap rox 60 1 / back prop. line 1482 Cottontail Lane, R-lB, C~se 2977 12-11-59---------------------------------------------- Lot 19,.t'Trmit to Chas. J:tDolorea E. D'.Andrea to conat 6 1hip board fence on top of exiat....,,--'O' to 6 retaining wall at 1471 Cottontail.Lane, Zone B-lB. Case 3186 3-3-60;;,; 1~,- i::x:i~ ~:p:r- &-;;_r~i:.ia Olm~tea-d to- ~~n~t- g-;_rde;-sh-;lte-; 6 1- sid-;yd & 8'- r-;a"i- yd-./ (25' rear yd & 10' sideyd req) 1492 Cottontail Lane, R-lB 21> ne. Case 3605 10-7-60---------------------------------------------- Lot 13 (Wilson) & Lot 14 (Hauseur)- Permit to Clayton T. & Natalie Hauseur & J. s. & Lennie Wilson to canst & maintain approx 96 1 of ret wall varying in height from 0 1 to 91-6tt with v grape stake & rail fencing on top varying in height from 18" to 3' in height for a total height varying fran 3 1 to 13 1 in height where a tota.l height of 91-6" is perm, at 5940 La Jolla Mesa Drive betw Cottontail Lane & La Jolla Rancho Rd., Zone R-lB, oondl. Case No. 6358 2-28-64