Lotus House
LOTUS HOUSE.tif LOTUS HOUSE Lot l- Permit to Seabreeze Const Co. to erect & maint for a period not to exceed l yr., one post mounted, exterior lighted, single faced sign, approximately 70 sq ft in area, advert new apts; and obs 2 1 SB from Clairemont Mesa Blvd. where 15' SB is estab & 8 sq ft sign is perm, 330' west of Limerick Ave., on North side of Clairem.ont Mesa Blvd., Zone R-4, condl c-4872 & 4873 4-27-62 Lot 1- Permit to Edwin D. Austin, II to (I) erect one 34 sq. ft. ground sign, 8 1 high, where a mx20 sq. ft., 8 1 high is perm; (2) sign to obs 21 front yd on Clairemont Mes~ Blvd. where 15' is estab at 5110 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. Zone R-3A. C-14498. 10-4-77.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------