Louis Strong Addition
LOUIS STRONG ADDITION.tif,-~ "~--,,- LOUISE STRONG1ADDITION fv\ \ ""\ "J,l S (~ Lot 1- Permit to Vernon & Donna Dunteman to'Mct 40 1 of 5 1:i wood fence obs 6 1 st sideyd where max 3' hi fence is permi in req 10 1 st sideyd & within 15 1 of prop line for rear 20 1 of lot, 3841 Strong Dr, Zone R-1-5, cond'l C-12,622 N.H. 5-10-74 Lot 6 (Formerly Lot 155, Clairemont Mesa South #2)- CUP AMENDED to Kearny Mesa Christian Church which perm church plant to include Shah Montessori School, hrs operation 9 AH to 3 PM, Hon thru Fri, max 24 children, SallzarSt, Zone R-1-5, ~ 3_1_ 77 u-- j / /o'-",;U-?.i-3911 12-17-74 I-------------------------~--~~-------------------------------------------------------Lot 2- Permit to Marvin & Sandra Van Cleave at 3835 Strong Dr., Zone R=l-5, to erect approx 74' of 51 high wrought Iron fence and 16 1 wide gate to obs 0 1 front yard. Condit. C-16262 8/17/79