Ludington Heights Card 6
LUDINGTON HEIGHTS CARD 6.tif LUDIIIG'lOI' HEIOH'l'S Lot 15- Permit to Roy L. & Mary Jane Hutt to const a sin fam dwell obs 6 1 front yd on Mecca Dr. where 15' is req at 1633 Mecca Dr. betw Mecca Dr. & Crespo st. & nortn boundary of La Jolla Park R-1-5. c-9485 9-19-69 Lot 46- Permit to Harry J. & Editn L. Lyman to const sin fam res w/por obs 16 1 rear yd where 20' is req on Castellana Rd betw Crespo St & Puente Dr, Zone R-1-5. C-10101 NH 9-8-70----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 15- Permit to Irwin Siskin, purch & Roy L. Hutt, own to constr sin fam dwell with por obs 4' front yd & por of eave obs 0' front yd on Mecca Dr wnere 15' front yd is req at Crespo Dr betw Mecca Dr & end of street, Zone R-1-5. ~-;&4~-}1:?Jf'.t~-~..l.f:?J____________________:==~=:~-----=~~:~=~~------- 11.,,, 10/4,/73 ' <[;~:7. 1.2.-)__ SJJ:~~---t-~-=---7Jdl._tj,j;&)_______________________________________________________________ Lot 55- Permit to Jacob & Cecilia Henegar for perm to erect 118' of retaining wall ranging in height from 31 to 51 obs. at closest point a,7' front yard on Castellana Rd, where max 3 1 high wall is perm in req 15 1 front yard, at],.,_.,._Crespo Dr, between Castellana Rd. alld Hillside Dr, in the R-l-5 Zone,- Colld'l. $- C-l2,l23 N.H. 7-27-73 ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------