Lusk Industrial Park #3 Map 10361
LUSK INDUSTRIAL PARK #3 MAP 10361.tif LUSK INDUSTRIAL PARK, UNIT NO. 3, Map No. 10361 r () \t, \ '1.- '1 Lot 95- Sign Code Administrator DENIED request of PACIFIC RESEARCH CENTRE ASSOC., PWMER" JANBEC CORP,, LESSEE TO ERACT AN IDENTIFICATION SIGN at 10151 Barnes Canyon Rd., Zone M-lB, C-19582 6/26/87-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots94 & 97- SCA DENIED request of K,L, SORRENTO ASSOCIATES, OWNERS: SCIENTIFIC COMPUTER SYSTEMS, LESSEE for a variance to property at 10180 Barnes Canyon Rd. C-19685 7/31/87 Being a division of lot 87. PM 15572 recorded 2-15-89 Division of Lot 87- Planning Director GRANTED CUP request of MILTON STAMOS to construct and operate a car wash and service station on a 41,164 square foot site located at 9510 Scranton Rd, north of Mira Mesa Blvd., Parcel 7. M-lA Zone. CUP 89-1108 1/5/90---------------------------------------------------