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Development Services

L.W Kimball's Subd. Block 9 Card 1

L.W KIMBALL'S SUBD. BLOCK 9 CARD 1.tif, BLOCK 9 LvJ KIMBALL'S ADDITION-- card I fa Lots 3 & 4- Permit to Frank N Tweed buildings back 10' from front pl-{Lots St Res 38202 6/21/26 & 2- Permit to Margaret Leopold to build a store out to front prop line of 25th Res 48978 2/4/29 Res 489]8 REPEALED by Res 49241 2/22/29 Lots 27 & 28- Permit to Lula V Mc Dermand to operate a beauty shop in a res at 2414 Island Ave provided there be no signs and no change in exterior appearance of res (Ord 12942) operative 2 yrs Granted by Res 75339 10/14/41 Expires 10/Jl.v'43 Lots 1 & 2- Cond'I permit to Joseph C Bobb 2499 Market St to erect add to apt bldg on N 75' of lot said bldg to be not less than 8 1 from rear prop 1 ine Res 117 5/28/42 Lots 27 & 28- Permit to Lula V Mc Dermand to continue operating beauty shop at 2414 Island Ave fur 2 yrs Res 404 9/16/43 Lots 27 & 28- Permit to Lula V Mc Dermand to wntinue operation of beauty shop in the res at 2414 Island Ave for a period of two years & subject to_certain other conditions Res 1206 11/23/45 Lots 27 & 28 Island Ave Lots 27 & 28 shop at 2414- Extension of 2 yrs on Res 1206 ABOVE to operate beauty shop at 2414 Res 2670 11/19/47- Ext of permit to Lula V Mc Dermand on Res 2670 ABOVE to operate beauty Island Ave Res 5630 6/27/51