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Development Services

Lynhurst Block 1 Card 1

LYNHURST BLOCK 1 CARD 1.tif LYNHURST, ILOCK 1 CARD{Jj_, Lot 18- Permit to Harian and Hark Kline to use an existing res at 3346-30th St. in which to operate a Real Estate Office & maintain sign not to exceed 15 sq. ft. in size Res#2160 4-10-47 LQt 18- Permit GRANTED to Marian and Hark Kline, owners, and C.F. Timms, purchaser, to operato Photo Studio in exist, res. at 3346-30th St. Res#2299 6-5-47 Lot 8- Permit to Frank Succetti to constr. duplex on rear of Lot 8, making three units on the property, said duplex to be served by 8 1 311 access court 3335 Dale St. Res#3510 11-3-48 Lot 18- Permit to Chas F. & Elsie TilllTIS to constr sin fam res. on rear of lot, (total of 3 units proposed res to obs 5'x7" access ct. same as exist duplex, the duplex obs 6" side yrd fro bedroom, at 3346- 30th St., Zone C C-2263 1-30-59 Lots 1 & 2- Permit to Walter O & Sara N. Thomas (Curb Laundary & Cleaners) to operate laundary & dry cleaning estab max 25h,p. steam & 25 h.p. electric) with 15 c,employees at 26655 Upas SE cor Data & Upas, Cond'J Zone C C-3437 7-1-60