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Development Services

Lyons Terrace

LYONS TERRACE.tif LYONS TERRACE Lot 4- Permit to Mr. Allison Burns McBride to constr sin fam dwell yard, where 25' is req at North end of Vallecitos Court, 125' north Zone R-lB. 6 mos ext to exp 3-18-65 (2-1-65) C-6350 and gar obs 15' rear of Vallecitos St., 3-18-64 Lot 1- Permit to John & Judith B. Newburn to erect 7' high solid fence obs o SB on Vallecitos where 25' SB is estab; por of fence to be on exist slope ranging in heignt to 3' where a max 3' high fence in SB is perm at 2406 Vallecitos betw Calle del Cielo & La Jolla Shores Dr., Zone R-lB. Cond'l. c-6428 4-8-64 Lots 2 & 3, Parcel A of Dev Plat 147 of Lyons Terrace- Permit to Irving Malashock & John L. Newburn to erect 80 lineal ft. of 12' high Class 3 fence around tennis court, encroaching 3' into req 8 1 side yard on west property line wnere max 6 nign fence is perm, and approx 200 lineal feet of 12' high fence around remainder of tenfiis court obs all yd req where max 8' nigh fence is perm at 2446 Vallecitos Terrace. Zone R-1-20. Cond'l. C-7n3 N.H. 6-8-66