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Development Services

Magnolia Park Block 4

MAGNOLIA PARK BLOCK 4.tif MAG1'0LIA PARK BLOCK 4- Wl50' of Lot A- Permit to cnarles H. & Joyce E. l3enton, Jr. to const sin fam res on Albion St. betw Cnarles & Dudley Ste., condl Res. 8338 7-7-54 Wl50' of Lot A- Permit to Cnarles H. & Joyce E. Benton, Jr. to const sin fam res & att gar witn 15' SB on Dudley St. & 20' Sl3 on Albion Res. 8523 10-13-54 w160 of Lot B- to Paul R. & Panela M. Conner to const sin fam res, SE cor of Albion & Cnarles Sts., condl Res. 8496 10-13-54 E Lot B- Permit to E. Wayne & Eliz. A. Montgomery to construct res on parcel split after Zoning but prior to 12-5-54, E end of Charles st., Zone R-lC C-336 3-12-56 E Lot B- Permit to E. Wayne & Eliz A, Montgomery to construct res witn 6 1 sideyd, 10' req, C-337 3-12-56