Mangusing Hill #1
MANGUSING HILL #1.tif MANGUSING rn If l. \f]? C, S ~. a.Jo Lot l.- Permit to Sal.vador & Ermna Mangusing to use portion of exist sin fem dwell. for res care home for six persons aged l6 to 75, at l.259 IO.auber Ave. Zone R-1-20, Cond' 1. c-1.2876 1.1.-22-14 Lots 3-5- Permit DENIED to John & Yol.anda, Owner (Lot 3) and Salvador & Emma Mangusing, Owner {Lots 4-5) to maintain 3 residential care homes for 6 mentally disoroered persons in each home and to convert exist garages to additional. bedrooms; and to provide 3 tandem parking spaces on Lot 4 and two legal. parking spaces with two tandem spaces on Lot 5, at 1253, 1263 and l.273 Bittern St. betw IO.auber Ave. and Madera St., Zone R-l-20. C-1.2826 ll-26-74 Appeal.ed to BZA- Appeal. DENIED as submitted but approved one residential care home for six persons. c-1.2826 1.2-1.8-74 Appealed to BZA- AMENDED to permit one residential. care home for 6 mentally disordered persons on one parcel.- Lot 3 and limited to 6 persons. C-1.2826 3-26-75